Rolling Quartz Shows a New Side of Themselves in “NAZABABARA”

Since the time of their inception, Rolling Quartz has been presenting themselves as the hardcore metal girl band of our dreams. We’ve mentioned time and again how much we love their heavy metal discography, but sometimes you gotta switch it up. Sure, it was somewhat unexpected, but it succeeded in showing us another side to the girls that we haven’t seen before.

The new single “NAZABABARA” opens up with a staccato electric guitar melody, highlighted by the use of a wah-wah pedal controlled by Iree. Hyunjung comes in with the classic electric guitar riff as Jayoung finishes her first verse, and the two contrasting guitar sounds make for a very different feel for the song. Rather than heavy metal, this track has more of a pop punk feel, with an upbeat and bright melody. Jayoung once again proves just how vocally talented she is, as even with the big change in genre, her voice shines and molds perfectly to the sunny melody. 

There’s a very different personality from the girls in the music video, showing them more joyful and sunny than usual. They do appear to be having a lot of fun performing, which is naturally infectious. There is still an alternative twist to their outfits of course, but much more punk in nature. We’ve even got Jayoung donning the classic punk tie for one of her outfits.

For those that may be a bit more adverse to heavy metal influences, “NAZABABARA” brings a lighter song suited for a potentially wider audience while the girls of Rolling Quartz maintain their unique identity. It’s not a complete concept change like girl crush to cutesy, but it is noticeably different enough to give the band the opportunity to showcase different styles with their talents.

Check out the music video for “NAZABABARA” below!

Edited by Cara Musashi