MOONBIN&SANHA show “WHO” they are with REFUGE

On March 15, MOONBIN&SANHA returned with their new mini-album REFUGE. The ASTRO sub-unit, which debuted in 2020 with IN-OUT, dived into a darker concept this era, and their single "WHO'' shows just that. 

The song is dark and sensual, a concept that is empathized in the music video. With a cathedral and burning candles as the backdrop, the video shows the pair in jarring scenes, such as Moonbin surrounded by mirrors with a sinister smile and Sanha's eyes going completely black. It's a dark take, and as the pair sing about an escape, the video shows that this escape may not just be physical but also mental. Of course, their choreography is a strong point for the music video and further carries out the dark, sensual concept to perfection. 

The songs that follow "WHO" on the mini-album, "BOO" and "DIA," are just as heavy with synth sounds yet appear more upbeat. "DIA" gives us a bit of funk with its sounds, whereas with "BOO," the tune is more whimsical, as "BOO" leans more toward the pop genre overall. 

The album then slows down with "Distance." We're led into the ballad song by an acoustic guitar and what may be the strongest track vocally on the album. The pair's vocals harmonize perfectly, creating a beautiful and moving song to listen to. It flows into the last song and pre-release for the album, "Ghost Town." With a music video of its own, "Ghost Town" shows a different side of Moonbin and Sanha. It features the pair taking their turn at rap verses and is a refreshing sound, making it a strong closer for the album. 

MOONBIN&SANHA have proven themselves as all-rounders with REFUGE. It shows the duo showcasing new and the best sides of themselves, and that they are a force to be reckoned with. 

Edited by Rashelle B.