A "Hot" Summer

Even though it's finally September, summer has still not come to an official close. With heatwaves, tropical storms, and high humidity, we’re definitely feeling the heat all over the globe. We hope everyone is staying hydrated and keeping cool to the best of their ability! Now we’re just counting the days until it's officially autumn, and with that said, here's a few songs that are as "hot" as the weather! 

Disclaimer: Yes, we're aware these songs have nothing to do with the summer season (for the most part). But certain lyrics in the songs are words I've, personally, repeated while coping with the severe heat wave! 

"So Hot" by Wonder Girls

Wonder Girls' memorable line, "I'm so so so hot hot," can be used to describe my current state as I sweat under the ceiling fan. 


When TWICE sings, "Burn it up hot baby / Hot hot hot, ooh," all I can imagine is going to the beach to jump into the ocean and still walking away with an awful sunburn. 

"I'm So Hot" by MOMOLAND

Similar to the first song, MOMOLAND also uses the line, "I'm so hot / I'm so hot hot hot." The catchy, upbeat lyric encourages me to be on my feet despite the unbearable weather. 

"2HOT" by G.NA

G.NA's song perfectly describes my exact feelings regarding the high temperatures. As she sings, "I'm burning very slow," and repeats the line, "Too hot, too hot, oh very, very hot," it makes me wish the autumn season came quicker so we can stop burning! 

"Hot Summer" by f(x)

Like f(x) says, it's definitely a, "Hot summer, ah, hot, hot summer." Amber's rap part in particular seems fitting when she says, "Yeah, it must be burning / 'Cause I got you sweating in this weather." 

Edited by Omani