Colde Brings BLUEPRINT World Tour to San Diego

It’s not often that Korean acts get to come out to America’s Finest City, San Diego, California. But, when they do come out, fans show up and show out. That’s exactly how it went for Colde as he packed the House of Blues San Diego for the BLUEPRINT World Tour

As fans began to pack in, there was an excited buzz in the air. With fans being able to pick up different merchandise and getting food and drinks, they settled in before being greeted with one of his openers, Melina. As Melina took the stage, she got the rest of the crowd loosened up and ready to go before basecamp and Colde took to the stage. It should be noted that this tour is more of an intimate concert, giving many who were there a chance to be up close and personal with Colde. 

Whether it was playing his more recent songs from his latest single album, YIN, or fan favorites like “WA-R-R,” “Sunflower,” and “After Everything,” the San Diego crowd kept up and sang along perfectly, every single time. That is one of the beauties of getting to experience this as a first-time goer, which is to see such passionate fans who just love to be in the moment and seeing how his music connects others together. At one point after kicking off his show, he left in the middle of his set not only to change but to also give basecamp their time to shine and showcase their own music as well, especially for those who weren’t familiar with the group. Perhaps my favorite part of the concert was where Colde blasts Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” because you could just feel the crowd jumping up and singing along as he rocked the stage. 

As someone who was a casual listener to Colde with only a little exposure to his features in other artists’ tracks, going to his show has left such a positive impression, especially as someone who went to his tour for the first time. From his excellent crowd work of interacting with fans, such as giving away flowers or giving away a one-of-a-kind T-shirt that was made by Colde himself, to just jamming out and having fun, it was truly a sight to see. Colde has definitely gained a new fan out of this experience and it’s truly recommended for you to go out and see him in North America while you can. Colde is also slated to continue TheBLUEPRINT World Tour for the remainder of the year in Asia and Australia. The BLUEPRINT Tour is worth coming out to see and won’t leave you disappointed. I for sure, cannot wait for him to return next time on a new tour.