Lucky to Have Weki Meki

Rookie group Weki Meki made their first comeback this week with second mini-album, Lucky. With title track “La La La” added to their repertoire, the group is clearly aiming for a specific concept to associate themselves with.

Singing “La La La”

Weki Meki is seemingly attempting to differentiate themselves from their competitors with a trademark sound and intense concept. “La La La” is very reminiscent of “I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend,” with the same high-energy pop sound and intense choreography. The music video is full of bright and bold colors, and the girls are dressed in simple black and white for contrast, with a bit of punk style thrown into the mix. The outfits are an interesting take on the popular school girl look.

Overall, the video is probably the most pleasing aspect of this comeback design-wise and because of their signature dynamic and eye-catching choreography. The song doesn’t do much to differentiate itself from their first title, which can be off-putting to some who prefer diverse sounds from their favorite groups. Still, you can’t help but move to the catchy beat that becomes more addicting with each listen. It’s certainly not a terrible formula to go with, since this sound is similar to the successful “I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend.” Popular former I.O.I members Yoojung and Doyeon are prominently featured, which is likely done on purpose to garner more attention for Weki Meki as a whole.

Unfortunately, the mini-album Lucky doesn’t exactly have a “wow” factor. Introduction song “Lucky” is essentially an extension of title “La La La,” and the tracks that follow can’t be described much better than as generic dance music. “Iron Boy” has a distinct rhythm guitar that adds to the basic Western pop sound of the song, but it’s not as catchy as “La La La.” “Metronome” and “Color Me” follow this same formula, giving the album not much musical diversity whatsoever. The only differentiating track is the final one on the album, “Butterfly,” which is slightly lighter and sweeter than the rest. “Butterfly” is also a Winter Olympics special track, which would explain its differentiation.

I personally expected more from the group, as I’m a pretty big fan of the overall concept they tend to go for in comparison to other rookie groups. While the mini-album is certainly not my cup of tea, that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth listening to or badly produced. For a group that is so obviously trying to distinguish themselves, their B-sides should also reflect that desire.

The girls of Weki Meki are very talented—there’s no denying that—but their sound and concept is polarizing in that it’s either your thing or not, and it doesn’t leave much room for mass appeal. We will see if this changes as the group matures. When all is said and done, I do still appreciate what the group is trying to do and hope for their continued success in the future.

“La La La” Title Score: 7.5/10
Music Video Score: 9/10
Lucky Album Score: 5/10

Overall Score: 7.1/10