ONEUS Takes Over New York’s Apollo Theater, Setting the Bar for 2023
A new year of K-Pop concerts began in New York last week with the start of the ONEUS Reach for US 1st World Tour at the historic Apollo Theater. Despite miserable weather conditions, fans were back in full force and any expectations that were had were met, then surmounted. ONEUS proved that they are powerhouse performers with vocals, charisma, and a kinship with each other that continues to dazzle.
The Kraze spoke with ONEUS a few weeks prior to the show, where Keonhee shared that for this tour, “we will focus on having more things the fans can enjoy,” and they did exactly that. Aside from a great setlist, they had special stages covering songs from BLACKPINK, Justin Timberlake, and more. From Keonhee, Xion, and Seoho’s amazing vocals, to Hwanwoong’s charisma, and Leedo’s rapping, and (has to be said) the group’s overall sexy energy, everyone was fully present and ready to go. With a slew of amazing back-up dancers, and some complicated acrobatic formations, this show was not only dynamic but a lot of fun. Though their first New York concert was only about a year ago, they seemed to have leveled up their stage comfort to really show everyone a great time.
All photos by Jean Libert
As the dark stage lit up with a VCR of a dark red forest, the words, “He reached out to me and I took his hand…then the darkness disappeared forever and a ray of light lit up the world,” filled the screen. From darkness to pastoral light, then back to darkness as an apple was taken, there seemed to be a silent allegory in play as the volume in the theater began to escalate. The dark turned blood red with the members silhouetted against it. Smoke and blue light then ensconced them as the beginning beats of “Bring it on” filled the air. Led by Leedo’s rapline, the crew sauntered to the front of the stage dressed sharply in different blue suits, some jackets more bolero with some bedazzling and chains. If their visuals didn’t entrance you, it was their passion. With high energy and fun choreography that combined synchronized stretches with explosive moments, ONEUS already had everyone on their feet cheering and dancing. Feeding immediately into the sexy rhythm of “COME BACK HOME,” the pulsating beat and popping had the crowd either dancing or melting. The play of Keonhee’s vocals against Seoho’s in the chorus was clear as it reverberated through The Apollo. The backup dancers, who had appeared earlier, cemented their presence by being Keonhee’s leverage in the choreography, adding drama to the set. As the light changed to darkness and white light, the focus returned to them with the backup dancers taking to the sideline. In “BLACK MIRROR,” Hwanwoong stole the show. With his playful expressions and actions, from waving to a fan, pointedly touching and checking out Leedo’s lapel, or a quick pat to Xion’s derriere, the “super dancer” stole the set.
Taking a moment for introductions, ONEUS expressed their excitement to be back in New York for this tour. Introducing themselves as a group and individually with smiles to cheers from all the TO MOON (their fanbase) in the crowd, it was soon time for the next group of songs.
With images of playing cards in the background, the guys jumped into “Intro : Who Got the Joker?” With a sexy, heavy pulse, the stage was full with dancers in tow as they went from one dynamic move to another. Here, the moments with Leedo’s rap solos emerged and took the limelight. It wasn’t only the tones of his deep voice, nor the lure of the bits of skin gifted by strategic cuts to his jacket, but the way that he moved to the undertones of the song that really grabbed the eye. As they moved onto “FULL MOON,” Xion took the center and showed why all eyes should be on him as well. Throughout the song, it was impossible to focus on just one member, demonstrating each member’s versatility.
Taking a VCR moment to change, the sweet recorded interview session gave TO MOON a chance to learn a bit more about the ONEUS boys individually. It wasn’t long before they were back in black and white streetwear for the next set. Fun was on the menu with “STUPID LOVE,” and they delivered. Keonhee and Seoho’s vocal combination shone again throughout this song as they jumped and played to the track’s upbeat vibe. Continuing with the light-hearted vibe was “Skydivin.’” Hearing Leedo sing is a gift anyday, and his rap moments through the song were so natural, as if he were breathing the words. Keonhee’s vocals on “Skydivin’” cut through the air so sharply that you had to do a double take because it was so loud and dynamic. The play between the members as they sang and danced while interacting with the crowd was a memorable highlight. When Keonhee and Leedo played rock, paper, scissors and all the members had the crowd sing along with them, the whole theater shook to the sound of TO MOON and ONEUS in unity.
It was time for the next ment* and everyone had something to say. Keonhee took the helm, starting by asking if everyone missed them.
Keonhee: We also really really missed you too. I think there’s one thing that’s different from last time….compared to before, the Corona situation has become better. There used to be so many precautions, but now, little by little, things have gotten better, so I get the sense that we’ll be able to meet more often.
Hwanwoong: For the last year, we lived very hard before coming here, and we released two albums, and we made legendary performances as well, and I believe you wanted to see these performances in person. Finally, today, we’ll show you all of them, okay? We have a lot of songs left, right Xion?
Xion: Yeah. While you all were waiting for a year, is there a song that you wanted to see the most? (Screams filled the air with title after title.)
Keonhee: Everyone said each song, so I think we’re going to have to show all of them.
Xion: One thing for sure is that these songs are going to make you all faint.
The next stages were indeed the special stages that they had mentioned in our interview, Leedo and the rest of the crew proceeded to hype up TO MOONs to set the level of energy they wanted for their gift to this tour. Screams filled the air as everyone realized that they were covering BLACKPINK’s “Pink Venom.” With an abundance of energy, they did the ladies justice, but it was the next dance cover, Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back” that had the crowd screaming. With three chairs angled against each other, Hwanwoong, Leedo, and Seoho were charged with bringing on the “sexy,” and they definitely succeeded. The special stages weren’t done yet, as suddenly the music swapped into the Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” from Top Gun, One Republic’s “I Ain’t Worried,” and then Otherwise’s “Soldiers.” The choreography on all dance sets moved from dynamic to fun and really showcased ONEUS’s dance and performance range. The most memorable formation was when they moved in sync to dance as an airplane. For some TO MOON, the latter three covers may look familiar as they were seen in ONEUS’s “Stage Break“ video, but regardless, seeing it live was amazing and a definite treat.
Changing the tone, standing mics were brought out for “Red Thread.” The ballad with rock undertones pulled everyone’s heartstrings against a sea of red which engulfed them. Stepping forward to engage further with the audience for “Youth,” now against a blue screen, Hwanwoong got everyone’s arms waving. Bringing up the tempo for “Incomplete,” the members continued to give it their all. With complex high vocals, Keonhee, who had sung flawlessly a second earlier, faltered a second, which only proved that his glorious high notes were live. The beautiful song, whose vocals were as complex as it moved, showcased everyone, though it was Seoho in particular this time that grabbed me with his beautiful voice.
Another VCR played to the hearts of TO MOON as they depicted sweet behind the scenes moments with the guys. They were soon back in shades of white and silver ready to jump into two of their latest songs, “Intro : EDEN” and “Same Scent.” As they effortlessly moved throughout their choreography and from one formation to another, each elegant hand movement, as if their wrist carried the perfumed scent, wafted through the air. Though Xion seemed to have minor issues with his microphone placement, not a step or note was missed in the song.
Going through their set from their special stages in the following ment*, Keonhee and Leedo’s little impromptu hip movements for “Sexy Back” during their chat had people screaming. They specified that the special stage was only for the U.S. tour, which had a fan screaming “thank you” back to them.
Keonhee: While we prepared our world tour, we really worked hard on what performances we’d show at each country. Are you satisfied with our gift? And it was the title song from our latest album with the “Intro: EDEN.” Do you know what is it? Yes, it’s “Same Scent.” It’s the song we were promoting in 2022. We actually received a great gift from you guys, TO MOON, and I’m really happy that a day came that we can show you guys in person. (To the other members) While we were preparing, was there a stage that you were most worried about, practiced the most on, or wanted to show the most?
(At this, a TO MOON yelled out, “TO BE OR NOT TO BE,” and Keonhee started singing acapella and walking towards the fan doing the arm gestures to the song.)
Hwanwoong: Before “Same Scent,” it’s the concept that us ONEUS does the best. But there are so many concepts we do well, you might be confused. But, out of the concepts that we’ve done, what do you think we do best? (From the crowd, sexy seemed to be the favorite.)
The next song was “LUNA.” With its tradition, power, elegance, sharp choreography, and the use of fans, this performance is always one to look forward to. Hwanwoong, with his natural grace, sang and rapped perfectly while whipping through the dance and turns. Continuing with the Korean traditional style, the next song was “LIT,” and everyone in the room was singing along. The dance sequence to the dynamic drum-heavy traditional music had the room pumping, and the dance was on point and in sync.
During the next ment, stating that it was time for the last stages, Keonhee was trying to get TO MOON to guess the next song through a hint, but Leedo was just ready to go. Asking Keonhee to sing a part of the song, he just sang some beats, though anyone looking at Seoho at the start of the conversation knew what the song would be: the popular “TO BE OR NOT TO BE.” The dynamic performance had them giving their all, with Seoho being tossed and flying over members. “No diggity” would be the last song (before encore), ending the set with a bang.
After the last VCR, the guys came out again in concert gear for the encore, singing “Life is Beautiful.” Switching from choreography to engaging at the front of the stage to interact with everyone there, ONEUS gave everything they had until the end. With Xion making a promise that they’d be back soon, they jumped into “What You Doing?” to finish off the night. As they kept true to that promise before, we’ll be looking for them soon again in the Big Apple. In the meantime, if they’re coming to a city near you, run and catch them while you can. It’s definitely a show not to miss.
*Korean translations have been edited for flow.
Edited by Kelly Sipko