P1Harmony Fires Up New York City

All photos by Jean Libert

Though New York has had their fair number of K-Pop concerts already this year, the energy on Sunday, February 5 was of a different caliber. Filling all floors of Terminal 5, P1ece came in droves with a passion that sustained them through the frigid New York air for their stop on the P1Harmony Live Tour 2023 [P1ustage H: P1ONEER]. Some had waited since the prior day, where temperatures had dipped below zero, but their excitement was still on high when asked moments before the show. The Kraze had already checked out their Los Angeles stop earlier in the tour, but as each stop brings different special moments, we didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity to highlight New York as well.

Opening for P1Harmony was New Hope Club. Though the trio from Manchester, England was a surprising choice as an opener, their positive vibe and vocals lit up the stage. Sharing the excitement and adding to the build-up for what was to come, this opener was a welcome to the night, even performing a band version of P1Harmony’s “Do It Like This.”

With lights dimmed, words appeared that set the tone across a trio of screens. The P1oneer tour logo turned into a green sphere of fire as P1Harmony emerged onto the stage. With their presence, green turned into a red ball of fire. Taking what seemed to be all the time in the world, the guys were extremely chill, absorbing the screams and cheers filling the air. In dark blue and white regimented uniforms, Theo, Jiung, Keeho, Intak, Jongseob, and Soul were the epitome of dignified coolness as the guitar chords of “Look At Me Now” filled the air. Music reverberated behind a, “What’s Up New York!”

As they let their voices dominate from the rear of the stage, one by one they folded into the song. Jongseob started the journey upstage while rapping, with his team in triangle formation following. The show had begun, and they were not here to play. Theo and Jiung’s voices cut through the screams clearly as they fed right into the rock version of “Back Down.” Here, it was Intak and Jongseob’s rap line with the crowd feeding the chorus which stuck in my head. Jiung’s ask and reply started “Scared.” Though Keeho’s vocals were notable, Soul really stole the stage with his dance solo. Flying from the floor into the air, his dynamic movements and agility showcased his skills. The whole team gave their all for this opening set, so much so that you could see the sweat coming down their faces. They were out to give it all to New York, and from this first set, we knew this would be a night to remember. 

With their opening words, they added color to their introductions. Jongseob pumped up the crowd yelling, “We’re back again, hello!” while Intak had the crowd yell “Tak” after his “In.” It was clear that they were all excited to be back in New York.

Changing pace, the sweet and mellow ballad “Me Too” followed. But the slowdown was short lived as "Doom Du Doom" was next, demonstrating again their sharp choreography and dance skills. Following was probably supposed to be a short segment to give a little love to P1ece, but instead New York got every member’s aegyo and love. 

Jongseob was quickly game to his turn, giving a heart, smile, turning, and shooting a wink to the crowd. Theo was next, serenading, “I love you,” with a blow of kisses. After a chant of “Soul,” Soul hilariously dropped to the floor on his back, quickly flipping up with his hand forming a heart. Urged for another, Soul grabbed armfuls of love from the air before throwing out a mega-heart to everyone. Soul wasn’t going to allow Keeho to get away. Keeho, trying to protest, “We usually only do two people,” did a little pirouette with his arm forming a large heart before running off. He was quick to support roping in Jiung though, who complained, “I’ve been doing this every single time.” Popping, a robotic Jiung used his robot skills to give hearts. Intuk, last and unable to escape, also pirouetted and made mini hearts. Keeho stated, “It’s the first time we did every single member, you’re very lucky.” And we were. The love projected was already gathered by P1ece, and any heart that might have been cold outside, by this time, had been thoroughly warmed.

Getting back to business, “End It” was next. Though the movement and choreography was sharp, having time built in to hype the crowd and get arms pumping displayed a fun mix of structure and unstructured fan service not often seen in one song. “Black Hole'' then opened with Soul’s mad dance skills and was clearly a fun favorite by all.

Breaking for a VCR about a game, individual stages were the agenda upon return. As at the other stops, including LA that we featured, Theo started with DEAN’s “21.” Sharply dressed in a black suit, his clear vocals breathed life into the song. Soul followed with Jung Joonil’s “Hug Me.” The screen’s interior by moonlight was a mood, and Soul’s vocals were perfectly showcased against it. Keeho’s excerpt from "Deja Vu" by Beyoncé was followed by Jiung’s "Love Never Felt So Good" by Michael Jackson, where he was joined by Keeho and Soul. Ending the individual stages was Intak and Jongseob’s rap stage. In fluffy white coats, they dominated the stage with their flow.

With the end of the solo stages, the trio of Theo, Keeho, and Jiung returned in casual wear. Keeho stated that during the VCR he heard everyone yelling, “Keeho,” as directed by the video. Theo refused to be left out. Both Theo and Jiung asked for their shoutouts, which the room eagerly complied with. Soul came out then, running forward only to flop down backwards. Miming hitting a wall, he was hilariously up in no time. Jiung had everyone sing along to Theo’s song acapella, but when it got to Keeho, he had something else in mind. In an “Empire State of Mind,” Keeho sang with everyone singing along with him.

“SIREN,” “Mirror Mirror,” and “Follow Me,” followed, the latter turning the venue into a club. Keeho yelled to everyone to jump, triggering confetti cannons which blasted through the air. 

Keeho took a moment to share his appreciation: “Performances are only fun when you guys dance, jump, and sing along with us, so thank you guys so much!” Getting everyone into a screaming contest, “just to see how loud you guys can get,” the venue got really loud. Though there was no clear winner, New York was definitely loud enough.

Ready to give some fan service, the crew sang “Gotta Get Back”' while seated at the edge of the stage to get even closer. Then back on stage, it was "BFF (Best Friends Forever)" and “Nemonade” before they took a moment to catch up again with the crowd.

When Jisung announced it was ending, in response to the nays, he suggested they start over again, giving a snippet of “Look At Me Now” acapella. Jumping from there, Keeho mentioned that a question they get regularly is, “What makes P1Harmony so special?” The answer was, “It’s the secret sauce that we have. Not everyone has it, but P1Harmony has that secret sauce. Are you ready to see what that secret sauce is?” Of course, that was the tie-in for “Secret Sauce.'' With swagger, the song highlighted their hip-hop side, especially with Intak and Keeho’s dance breakout. "Do It Like This" finished off the night; well, finished until encores.

Coming back for “Breakthrough” dressed in concert goodies, they ripped through that song into the cute “Speaker,” taking time to engage through the song. Finally it was time for final words.

Theo: Today, New York is so fun. So crazy. Thank you for today, and your cheers and your energy will not be forgotten.* 

Jongseob: New York, last time and this time, always the energy is so powerful. Today you guys chanting and singing along was the best. Thank you for making beautiful memories, and see you again.

Intak: Thank you for coming to New York, P1ece, and I won’t forget tonight. I just want to be with you forever. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Please never forget today. I promise we will come back to New York. See you next time.

Jiung: Honestly, I think I’m the happiest one in the world because of you guys. Whenever I’m with you guys, there is a new ton of energy-getting and loving. I feel that I get a lot of love from you. So this is the best Sunday ever. As we always say, we’ll be back, New York. I love you.

Soul: P1ece, don’t forget us. We will be back.

Keeho: Soul says he bought some very weird sunglasses yesterday and he’ll show you guys online. First and foremost, I want to say, thanks for attending P1Harmony’s tour P1oneer. And it was such an honor to come to New York and to perform for you guys. You know that the last tour, New York was our first stop, and we’re so happy to come back. This is like a full circle moment for us. It’s been a year. When we came last year, we were very happy to be in New York. It’s not easy, but you guys made it so worth it.

After the group picture, the night ended with the final two songs, “Swagger '' and “AYAYA.” During the songs, stuffed animals, ears, and hats came flying. Putting on some of the goodies, one by one, members came out into the pit to interact directly with fans. Then the night was done. P1Harmony had done what they had come to do, to shine their light on New York with style, and New York can’t wait for them to come back to fulfill their promise to return.

*Keeho translated the last sentence for Theo.